SQL Stands for Structured Query Language: A Comprehensive Guide on SQL

 When SQL (SQL stands for Structured Query Language) was not introduced in the market, there were navigational programming interfaces that were typically designed around the network schema called the Codasyl data model. This data model was responsible for the Cobol programming language and other database extensions too. In the case of Cobol, the records were navigated through sets to express one-to-many relationships. In the case of hierarchical databases, only one record is allowed to be attached with one data set only. In the case of network databases, you can enjoy working with one-to-many and many-to-many relationships. Earlier, programming was quite boring and time-consuming too. The launch of SQL gives a new boost to database performance and today skilled SQL professionals are needed everywhere. Almost every database programmer believes that SQL is quite efficient during both execution and runtime. You can play with data as per your terms and conditions. Even memory consumption is very low when compared to non-relational databases that were used in the past. Click here...


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