
Showing posts from June, 2022

University Website Design Examples in 2022

  Best Examples of Website Design for Universities Rhode Island School of Design As an art-focused school specializing in the fields of design and aesthetics, RISD’s website has an obligation to get its web design spot on and that is exactly what they have done through creative and innovative web design ideas. Incorporating a combination of simple grid-style menus and high-resolution images, they have managed to maintain a stylish look without sacrificing ease of navigation.  The characteristic tilting of each section in the bold white text represents a clearly identifiable design feature that separates RISD from the rest.  Brown University Just like RISD before, Brown University’s website is loaded with a variety of images and videos used to showcase the essence of campus life in this New England school. Not only that, but we also see things from the real-life classroom setting as well as a plethora of extracurricular activities that established the institution’s identity as a center

Small Business SEO : Effective SEO Strategies for Small Business

5 Tips to Improve Seo Strategy for Small Business  Choose the Right Keywords  A central part of seo strategy is to identify and utilize the right keywords for your website in a moderated manner. Search Engine algorithms detect the usage of keywords all over the internet and accord rankings to various websites based upon the existence of usage of keywords. In order to do this effectively, you need to have a clear understanding of the types of words that buyers are more likely to use while searching for different products and services. For instance, if you run an online electronic appliance store, then you should know that people searching for televisions online are more likely to use the word ‘tv’ instead of ‘television’ or fridge instead of refrigerator. In this way, you need to do adequate market research to uncover the most used keywords through various online tools available at your disposal.  You can also create a list of around 15 or 20 most used keywords and validate them through

How to build an eCommerce website?

  What is ecommerce? Simply put, ecommerce is the process of selling or buying of goods and services on the internet by transferring money through various modes of online transaction. The fullform of ecommerce is electronic commerce or internet commerce and it has become widespread in today’s time. The answer to the question what is ecommerce is that it is a thing of wonder. It allows retailers and business owners to sell their products in an online marketplace that has a wide reach.  There are various ecommerce models that are used in common parlance by people in the industry. These include: Business to Consumer (B2C)- In this scenario, a business sells its products to a single consumer Business to Business (B2B)- This is when a business sells its products to another business. For example, a business sells its software to another business to use.  Consumer to Consumer (C2C)- When a consumer sells products to another consumer it is known as C2C model of ecommerce. A common example is

Best Conversion Rate Optimization Tactics to 10x Your Sales & leads

  What is Conversion Rate Optimization?  CRO is a highly useful metric that can help you determine the success of your business website in converting potential customers to actual ones. It basically gives you a numerical value of the number of people who take a meaningful action after visiting our website that potentially makes them more likely to be a future customer. A successful conversion can take many different forms based on the industry that you are operating in. It can be something simple as signing up for a wekk;y newsletter or registering for a free trial period with your brand's services.  In order to get the numerical value of your conversion rate, you simply need to divide the number who were successfully converted through a conversion funnel by the total number of people who visited your website.  Thus :  Converted visitors / Total number of website visitors x 100 = Percentage of conversion  Tips To Increase Conversions  Clearly Define Goals and Benchmarks  The first

Non-Profit Branding : Few Essential Branding Tips for Non-Profit

  What is Branding and Why is it Important?  Branding can be summed as the strategy that established a business or nonprofit organization in the public consumer domain by highlighting one or more elements of the organization that sets it apart from others in a similar space. Branding involves the careful usage of symbols, logs, content and marketing mechanisms to popularize a brand’s position in the market and create a compelling narrative around the organization which raises its stature in the eyes of potential targets.  In the case of non-profit organizations in particular, branding is a relatively new and novel concept. Nonprofits can develop significant online reputation based advantages with strong branding mechanisms in place. Whenever donors feel more connected to any particular brand story and narrative, they have been proven to be more likely to make bigger donations and also develop a passion for the cause itself. It also leads to the development of a more credible image in t

Ecommerce Web Design : Best Ecommerce Website Design Tips for 2022

  What is ecommerce and how has it transformed the web design space?  Ecommerce has been responsible for radical transformations in the traditional areas of business and marketing operations. In simple terms, ecommerce can be defined as the buying and selling of traditional goods and services on electronic platforms through the use of internet technology. It has both b2b as well as b2c orientations and played a massive role during the covid-29 pandemic. Indeed, the pandemic showed the real power of ecommerce and business and organizations all over the world scrambled to ensure that their ecommerce websites or websites were adequately updated and structured effectively to handle increasing traffic. Also, it is a lot more critical for ecommerce websites to develop a smooth user experience for their websites by incorporating various elements such as carts, product selection process, payment gateways etc.   Some Useful Ecommerce Web Design Tips  Effective Mobile Optimization Mobile optimiz

Small business marketing - Proven marketing strategies & Tips for small business

  Effective Tips for Marketing Your Business Online  Create a Functional Website  Any small business marketing strategy would struggle to create results unless it is based on a foundation of a well designed website that is easy and fun to use. Customers are able to cultivate a feeling of trust for your brand if it has a professional website that is capable of responding to their needs and requirements. The aesthetic elements of the website are important as well and should not be ignored. Overall, the focus should be on striking the perfect balance between e;ements of visual aesthetics and functionality and responsiveness when it comes to web design.  Content Marketing  Content marketing is one of the great channels of modern digital marketing strategies and any effective marketing for small business has to incorporate some wholesome content marketing mechanisms. Whether it be through creating insightful and informative blogs on a website, or sharing useful snippets of information th

Healthcare Marketing : Proven Healthcare Marketing Tips

  Using Consistency of Branding Mechanisms  The first most important element that should figure in any healthcare marketing strategy is to ensure a consistency in messaging when it comes to branding through various digital marketing strategies. Consistency breeds trust and trust is a vital element when it comes to healthcare services. Make sure to highlight the unique elements of the healthcare service that your brand provides and tailor your branding strategy to revolve around these elements to create a powerful narrative surrounding the principles, purposes and values that you are looking to provide. It might take some time for you to identify those aspects of your healthcare business that can resonate among potential clients and that is completely fine. Once you identify these elements and incorporate them consistently across digital marketing channels, your brand will witness sustained growth.  Credit :-

What is the Best Ecommerce Marketing Strategy For Lead Generation?

  The overwhelming focus of all ecommerce websites should be geared towards defining the target lead and figuring out the characteristics that your target audience desires in your overall ecommerce website setup. The number of leads you are able to generate is not necessarily that important initially. However, what is important is to get an understanding of the tastes and preferences of however many target leads that you have managed to generate.  Effective Ecommerce Lead Generation Leads  Use Content Marketing Strategies  Content Marketing involves the art of providing useful information to potential clients who might visit your ecommerce website. Content marketing is a vital element of ecommerce marketing strategies as it allows brands to develop trust and credibility among potential customers that has a bearing on the prospects of success that the brand can achieve in the long run.  Create Innovative Search Ads With Extensions  Search ads are one of the most [popular techniques use

Is Hiring a Web Design Agency For Your Business Website Really Worth It?

  The digital revolution has completely transformed the traditional landscape of commercial operations. Today, businesses cannot think of functioning without having good quality websites regardless of which specific industry they are in. As the idea of online businesses become mor entrenched, we can surely expect the role of web design to become more critical as time passes by. For the up and coming and future businesses of tomorrow, offering the best experience to website visitors will not just be a matter of choice but necessity.  In these conditions, many business owners ponder over the question as to whether they should seek the help of professional web design services to meet the dynamic requirements of their web design and development strategies. Business owners who aren’t particularly technically savvy may find themselves struggling to come to terms with the manifold complex requirements of web design and how these matters can go on to impact the larger growth and trajectory of

What Factors Need to Be Considered While Designing a Manufacturing Website?

  Manufacturing websites are built for total brand value. It conveys technical information to users. A type of website need not be visually appealing, but it should support the overall marketing process so the user can make strategic decisions. It enhances the online leads and makes visitors revisit the site.   With time, the marketing process has evolved, and companies shift from conventional tactics to new generation websites to get strong results. Conventionally, companies perform marketing operations through online brochures. They used the tools that listed the products or services on the website.   Developing an appealing website that works fine and can be operational 24by7 is an arduous task. The question is, how can a company create a manufacturing website for a business?   Due to intense competition, researchers have said that numerous parameters need to be considered to develop a manufacturing website in 2022. They are:   1) Usability 2) User Experience 3) CTA 4) Content 5